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Ottawa Slut Walk

Ottawa Slut Walk is run by the Purple Sisters. The Purple Sisters Youth Advisory works to increase awareness of young women’s issues in the community. Issues such as abuse, inequalities in the workplace, legal systems and schools systems are not new, but they are still significant. While progress has been made, we must continue the […]

Maggie’s Place Toronto

They are an organization run for and by local sex workers. Our mission is to assist sex workers in our efforts to live and work with safety and dignity. They are founded on the belief that in order to improve their circumstances, sex workers must control their own lives and destinies. More information on this […]

On Facebook and My Products

Warning, bit of a rant ahead. Facebook has been expanding a lot of the options for pages since they merged with Instagram. In doing so, they are, at least in theory providing more options for businesses to link and sell their products across the platforms. This isn’t necessarily altruistic – it opens an easy avenue […]

Planned Parenthood Ottawa

They’re an essential and invaluable service that provides a range of services and information for people to make healthy decisions about their health, bodies and relationships. Education, counselling, information, and referral services are provided in a safe environment, free of judgment. More information on this worthwhile cause can be found on their website.