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Sit With Me

Sit With Me is near and dear to my heart: I foster for them and have been nothing but blown away by their willingness to step in when no one else will and save dogs with no other options.

Established in 2012, Sit With Me is an Ontario-based rescue who strongly believes that shelter dogs deserve better than being abandoned by those who are tasked with being responsible for them. They don’t place timelines on the lives of our dogs who show us progress and who aim to please – they commit to working with their dogs by showing them how to make better choices which will in turn help them become loving members of society. They do not discriminate based on breed, age, medical background or current medical state. Those animals that are most in need, those who are in jeopardy of losing their lives due to space or time in a shelter, will be the dogs they seek out for rescue.

More information on this worthwhile cause can be found on their website.